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长滩 Downtown



County Honors Local Teachers of Year



Jamaica Ross teaches fourth grade at 信号山 小学 School, Adrienne Sandstedt在林赛国际研究中心教授地球科学和MESA选修课, Amelia Valinsky-Fillipow在凯特林古典小学教三年级.

Ross and Valinsky-Fillipow were named for the L.A. 县荣誉.  最近,在洛杉矶县教育办公室为全县顶尖教师举办的午宴上,这三位教师都获得了荣誉.

Jamaica Ross has experience spanning many grade levels, having taught second, fourth and fifth grades and a 6-8 intervention program.  她采取积极主动的方法,引导她的学生在各个领域追求他们的个人最好.

“In my classroom, my students know that as much as reading, writing and arithmetic are essential skills, 拥有卓越的品格和与他人良好合作的能力是一种更大的成就.

“I work toward the goals of growth and proficiency in state testing, however I push harder for them to produce individual thoughts, 让他们成为独立的思考者,对自己的想法和做出的选择有信心.  My students trust me and know I believe in them and all they do.  They know they have a fan, a support, an advocate in me.”

Ross had an early interest in becoming a teacher.

“As I got older, I took coaching and camp counseling positions, and recognized the huge rewards available in teaching, mentoring and working with people.  I learned that I not only affected the lives of the children I coached and counseled, but I also impacted the lives of the adults involved.”

对罗斯, 在课堂上的困难日子是与学生建立联系以取得更大成就的独特机会.  在这样的一天,她停止了她的预定课程,并要求她的学生注意.

“我请他们帮助我,并通过写信来帮助他们自己,诚实地告诉我他们今年的想法和感受.  How they felt about what they were learning, 菠菜网lol正规平台我的, about PE time—whatever they wanted to get off their chest, they could write.  It could be signed or they could disguise their writing.  我让他们知道他们的观点很重要,诚实是我进步的唯一途径.  The letters were empowering and relieving for them and insightful and precious for me.  I offered some perspective and showed them that I can adjust, while still letting them know that not all ideas will be put into action.  The week that followed was focused with more students participating than ever before.”

Adrienne Sandstedt担任她的科学系主席,并促进社区服务项目,以吸引她的学生.

“作为一名教师,今年春天我的六年级学生调查了许多与长滩防波堤拆除或重新配置有关的问题,这是我真正鼓舞人心的时刻.  他们的任务是参加一个菠菜网lol正规平台长滩防波堤未来的模拟新闻发布会.  Students chose to be a reporter or elected to be a city stakeholder representative.

学生们分享了自己的观点,并用发人深省的问题相互回答, 我知道这些学生正在发展他们解决问题和批判性思维的能力.  By the end of the discussion, of which I was a near invisible observer, 学生们提出了一些新的见解,设法改变了我对这个问题的看法.  作为一名教师,当我向学生学习时,我总是很兴奋,我很高兴地说这是经常的.”

Sandstedt曾在广告业工作,包括在国外工作,后来成为一名教师.  她在第三世界国家工作时所看到的种种不公正现象令她感到困扰.

“As I pondered why these crimes were allowed to continue unabated, I always came back to the same answer: lack of education.  An educated public has a means to oppose injustice and bring voice to their convictions.  我开始明白教育对于纠正人们在这个世界上所面临的许多错误是多么重要.  I came to realize how empty my words were without action.

“I believe it is my mission 作为老师 to develop open-minded, 能够批判性地思考并认识到自己作为负责任的公民和地球管家的作用的见多识广的年轻人.”

This past year, Sandstedt became a MESA (Math, 工程, Science Achievement) advisor and organized her school’s first MESA class.

“I saw tremendous growth in my students’ abilities to analyze, think critically, work as a team and creatively address and solve many challenges.

“Being a MESA advisor has made me a better teacher, 因为我亲眼看到,当学生们学会冒险并开始相信自己的能力时,他们是如何真正成长的.  我学会了放手,把更多的重点放在发现的过程上,而不是为了完美的最终产品而监控生产的每一步.  这种方法延续到我的其他课程中,我发现自己给了学生们比过去更多的独立性.”

Every morning, Amelia Valinsky-Fillipow greets each student with their choice of a handshake, high-five or hug.

“立即建立这种真诚的联系,表明他们每个人对我来说都很重要.  在早上的第一件事就是进行个人接触,这告诉我每个学生在一天开始时的感受.  Often, some kids come to school in an emotional funk before the class day even starts.  通过这种积极的互动,学生们能够更顺利地开始新的一天.  如果需要的话,我可以在其他课程开始的时候花一分钟时间和学生在一起.”

During one class when students read their poems aloud, a contentious discussion about pickles began among the eight-year-olds.  By guiding students’ strong feelings into subsequent poems, she was able to show students what their writing could accomplish.

“This simple poetry lesson evolved into a magical teaching moment.  This was a moment that, 作为老师, you can never plan, but only hope for and recognize when it comes.  时间限制和课程计划的限制都被抛到九霄云外,接下来你知道的就是, the bell has rung and it is time to go home.  孩子们呻吟的时刻,因为他们真的很难过,他们不得不停止他们正在做的事情,离开.

“I find moments like these so powerful and invigorating.  学生们很投入,有目的地玩得很开心,他们掌握了自己的学习.  They thought, reasoned, answered and debated, and loved it.  这些时刻激励我去营造一个允许这种意外体验的环境,因为这是教育体验的重要组成部分.”


“While teaching at 凯特林, I have run numerous marathons, 我回到了长滩城市学院(长滩 City College)(完成了全部学业),参加了越野赛和田径赛(35岁时在全州排名第四和第十二),并参加了100英里赛跑.  I am extremely proud of these accomplishments, and some were harder than others.  Some events required me to ask for help along the way.  我与我的学生分享这些经历,并提醒他们,有时候我只有在帮助和鼓励下才能达到目标.  I never gave up.  我的工作就是温和地推动他们更加努力地工作(有时比他们想要的还要多),完成他们认为不可能完成的事情.”

  • 2009
  • 区新闻